Video lesson: Alike
Who is this lesson for?
This is a video lesson plan for 2nd to 3rd ESO students. It's based on a 3D computer animated short film called "Alike", the story of the relationship between a father and his son, who live in a society "where order and work ethic literally choke the colour and creativity out of its inhabitants".
What is this lesson for?
This lesson can increase critical thinking in students and gives teachers the opportunity to introduce relevant vocabulary and grammar items. In this case, the lesson revolves around the use of why, because and since in a real context where students need to express their thoughts and opinions. We also touch on articulating emotions and idiomatic expressions using a combination of activities that I believe provide a certain musicality to the lesson. This is only an example of how this short movie could be used in a class environment- it is an incredibly versatile audiovisual document that can be used in lots of different ways!
1. Do you know what a silent movie is? Do you like them? Explain why.
2. Watch the following short film. Do you think it qualifies as a silent movie?
3. The characters' names are "Copi" and "Paste". Can you tell why? Who is who?
4. What's the meaning of "alike"? Can you provide a synonym?
5. Match the characters with the adjectives that better describe their personality.
For example: Paste is energetic since he is constantly playing.
Copi is sick because he has a pale skin colour.
7. Add the adjectives to the right colour bubble, according to their meaning. Do you believe feelings can be associated with colours? Why?
8. Pick a colour for each of the emotions below and share your rationale with the class. Joy - Fear - Anger - Disgust - Sadness
9. Read the fragment below by Paula Davis for Forbes magazine. Had you ever heard about burnouts existing? Does this condition apply to any of the characters in Alike? Discuss in pairs.
Burnout is a workplace issue – a chronic process of exhaustion, cynicism, and inefficacy caused by a disconnect or an imbalance between key job demands, job resources, and your ability to recover both at work and outside of work. The most important part of this definition is the word “chronic.” Burnout doesn’t just spring up overnight – it simmers over a period of time, for many people, over the course of years. More importantly, burnout is mainly a systemic problem caused by systemic issues within organizations, not just individuals and their ability (or inability) to respond to stress.
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